Many people find themselves in need of part time jobs that pay well. Whether we’re talking about self-reliant college students or parents with children at home, the good news is that there is a good selection of high paying part time jobs one can consider in his/her quest for making a living. Let’s have a closer look.
Bank teller
Typically, a bank teller is responsible for making daily transactions such as depositing money and cashing checks. Those who wish to apply for this job don’t require a college diploma, and it’s an excellent way to make a living especially for college students who need to sustain themselves. It pays $12,81 an hour.
Office Assistant
This is one of high paying part time jobs at the moment. For those who wish to pursue a career in this domain, beginning as an office assistant can be a positive idea. The average hourly pay is $12. Experience in this area will certainly look good on a student’s resume.
When considering the best-paying part time jobs, tutoring is a good choice, with an hourly wage of $16.85. Seniors can think of tutoring junior college students, in the subjects they are already acquainted with. There are many students in need of tutoring, so this is an incredible opportunity for those who find themselves up for the task, not to mention that tutoring offers immense satisfaction.
Tax preparer
Good news for those who like working with numbers. One of your options for high paying part time jobs is that of a tax preparer. Ideally, small companies are prone to hire smart young individuals who are ambitious and well-prepared. A tax preparer earns about $12,07 per hour.
Fitness instructor
For those who are keen on developing their physical skills, as well as challenging themselves, a job as a fitness instructor is more than ideal. It appears that this is becoming a more and more popular career choice, especially for young individuals, and it allows the possibility of part-time work. And the good news is that the demand for fitness instructors is growing, and the hourly pay is of $19.44. Sounds good, right?
Freelance writer
At the moment, the demand for freelance writers is on the growth, which is good news for those in search of high paying part time jobs. One good thing about freelancing is that it provides one with flexibility and the possibility to work from home. That is certainly an excellent option, especially for new mothers. For the ones who have a skill for creative writing and have some knowledge of social media, freelancing is an ideal career choice. The average hourly pay is of $25.93.
Social media strategist
A social media strategists gets paid with about $20 per hour. It’s needless to stress that it is a great domain for college students in particular. Imagine being paid for browsing on Twitter and Facebook. Plus, companies are in search of young people to work in this ever-changing domain. That is one of the highest paying part time jobs, and it’s a magnetic field for youth in particular.